Extra-financial performance declaration of the MGI Digital Technology Group.

This report is the very first extra-financial performance report of the MGI Digital Technology Group. It is published on a voluntary basis. It reflects the commitment of our company and its employees to global best practices in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
This report meets two converging objectives: on the one hand, to anticipate the expectations of our clients and partners in terms of extra-financial performance declaration (EPR), and on the other hand, to define a set of indicators related to the challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
This report is the basis of the extra-financial reporting of the MGI Digital Technology Group. It explains the methodology used in its preparation and details the 10 priority quantitative and qualitative indicators that we have selected for social, societal, ethical and environmental issues. It anticipates the completion of our Carbon Footprint.
In an uncertain health, security and economic situation, we are convinced at MGI Digital Technology, that only a sustainable performance will allow us to develop and meet the expectations of our customers and partners.
Edmond Abergel
Chairman and CEO MGI Group