French Tech Expo 2020 logo with information about the event: in Paris from October 6 to 9, organized by MGI, GIC, Codimag, Smag and Serame

Webinar Label French Tech Expo

The 1st virtual exhibition dedicated to the world of digital labels and flexible packaging, organized by MGI, Smag, Codimag, GIC and Serame.

On November 4, 5 and 6, 2020, the 5 founders of the Label French Tech Club - MGI Digital Technology, Smag, Codimag, GIC and Serame - are organizing the Label French Tech Expo, the first virtual exhibition, in the form of a webinar, dedicated to the world of digital labels and flexible packaging.

MGI Digital Technology will present its JETvarnish 3D Web, the first digital finishing press dedicated to self-adhesive labels and flexible packaging.

This is an opportunity to discover its different functionalities during live demonstrations and to ask all your questions to MGI teams!

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