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Get your customers' attention on the shelf to generate interest.
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Stand out in this traditional and rapidly changing market with MGI's 100% digital technologies.
French Tech Expo Label
MGI co-organizes the French Tech Expo.
order MGI Connect
MGI Connect MGI Approve B.A.T and online catalog: A 3D visualization and online proofing tool. An online catalog of your creations to accelerate and develop digital finishing businesses. MGI Dashboard Remote tracking and monitoring: A tool for analyzing the performance and efficiency of your production by...
Third day of Drupa for the MGI Konica Minolta Super Team in Hall 8B: sales follow on from demonstrations, enabling graphics industry professionals to discover the added value provided by MGI technologies.
Romanian printer Etichete Flexo wins the 2023 Digital Label Trophy, with MGI!
With JETforce, users of MGI Digital Technology equipment now have a single platform for discussion forums, blogs, theme groups, advice and trend books.